Our Offerings
Are you looking for special training that will take your coaching to new levels of mastery, providing you with frameworks tailored to meet the challenges we face in these uncertain times?
Are you looking for an effective way to support your development? Do you need feedback on your coaching to prepare for certification? Or do you just want more self-confidence?
As a coach, you ask your coachee powerful questions. For your professional development, to whom do you ask your inquiries? What if you had a sharing circle that you can regularly turn to?
We help leaders and teams discern an evolving sense of purpose, and realize their full potential. Our expertise includes leadership coaching, transition support and team coaching.
Sustainable individual and systemic change requires complementing analytic capacity with heart-based intelligence. We develop full-spectrum perception in our leadership programs.
Creating a sustainable corporate coaching system and culture is a complex work which requires system thinking, multi dimension approach and customized action plan.
Coaching System Consultancy
To grow and be competitive, companies need to upgrade their culture to align with the dynamics of their era and new generations. We guide organizations towards more diverse & inclusive culture.
D&I Culture Upgrade
Our Mission

Our mission at Coachzone is to train and coach “system influencers" who want to ground in deeper sources of guidance. Such influencers include coaches, leaders, executives and HR professionals seeking ways to have an impact, make a difference and serve for common good, especially in these challenging times.
The more uncertainty we face, the greater need there is for solid ground interior to one’s self. Familiar definitions of success and fulfillment are eroding in light of sweeping political, economic, health and environmental challenges. Thus arises the need for the fresh thinking, unlikely solutions, unprecedented ways of being together. Discernment of new options springs naturally from this inner ground.
The tools offered in Coachzone are designed to help coaches and executives/leaders experience rare qualities of listening and attention that lead to viable directions in these unstable times. We systematically cultivate the conditions for this refined level of perception. On the other side of chaos and breakdown, endings and loss, we access: (i) Practical perception of inner directives, (ii) Renewed faith in life, (iii) The confidence to follow a new pathway into the unknown, (iv)The fulfillment of an evolving sense of purpose of meaning.